
Showing posts from August, 2020

intoduction (perkenalan)

Berikut ini adalah contoh dan cara memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris. 1. Full/Complete Name (Nama Lengkap) - My name is Cecep Gaos. (Nama saya Cecep Gaos) - My full name is Cecep Gaos. (Nama lengkap saya Cecep Gaos) 2. Nickname (Nama Panggilan) - My nick name is Gaos. (Nama panggilan saya Gaos) - You can call me Gaos. (Kamu dapat memanggilku Gaos) 3. Place and Date of Birth (Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir) - I was born on August 20th 1981 (August twentieth, nineteen eighty one) in Karawang (Saya lahir pada tanggal 20 Agustus 1981 di Karawang. 4. Age (Umur) - I am thirty-eight years old. (Umur saya 38 tahun) 5. Origin (Asal) - I am from Karawang. (Saya berasal dari Karawang) - I come from Karawang. (Saya berasal dari Karawang) 6. Address (Alamat) - My address is Pesona Griya Indah Block E5 Number 14-15 Sinabaya, East Telukjambe, Karawang, West Java. (Alamat saya Pesona Griya Indah Blok E5 No. 14-15 Sinabaya, Telukjambe Timur, Karawang, Jawa Barat). 7. Occupation/Job (Pekerjaan) - I am ...

soal reading daily activity class 6

I get up in the morning at 4.30 a.m. Then, I brush my teeth, take wudhu, and pray subuh. After that, I take a bath, make the bed and help my mom to prepare breakfast menu. Before I go to school, I  have a breakfast. At 6.45 a.m I go to school with my father . I study at school until 2 p.m. after school, I change my clothes and play  with my friends. In the night, I usually do my homework or study for next lessons and go to sleep at 10 p.m. Answer based on the text above ! 1. what time do you get up in the morning ? 2. what do you do after pray subuh ? 3. with whom do you go to school ? 4. what do you do after school ? 5. what do you do in the night ? good luck

Askig and giving opinion

Materi Asking and Giving Opinion Asking and Giving Opinion ialah suatu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan, menjawab atau merespon suatu pendapat. Dalam Opinion, biasanya terdapat beberapa kata kerja yang digunakan antara lain believe (percaya), reckon (memperhitungkan), think (rasa/pikir), doubt (meragukan), assume (berasumsi), agree (setuju), atau don’t agree (tidak setuju). Asking Opinion (Menanyakan Pendapat/Opini) • What do you think of…? • What is your opinion? • What do you think about…? • What is your idea? • How about…? • How do you feel? • How do you think? • Please give me your opinion? • Give me your comment? • Do you have opinion of…? • Do you have any idea? • What is your comment? • How is your opinion? • How about this? • How do you like? • How was the trip? • How do you think of my idea? • What are you feeling? • What your view on? • What is your reaction? • What do you like? • Do you like that? • Do you think is it good? Giving Opinion (Memberikan Pendapat) • In m...