soal reading daily activity class 6

I get up in the morning at 4.30 a.m. Then, I brush my teeth, take wudhu, and pray subuh. After that, I take a bath, make the bed and help my mom to prepare breakfast menu. Before I go to school, I  have a breakfast.

At 6.45 a.m I go to school with my father . I study at school until 2 p.m. after school, I change my clothes and play  with my friends. In the night, I usually do my homework or study for next lessons and go to sleep at 10 p.m.

Answer based on the text above !

1. what time do you get up in the morning ?

2. what do you do after pray subuh ?

3. with whom do you go to school ?

4. what do you do after school ?

5. what do you do in the night ?

good luck


  1. 1.05.00
    3.teman teman
    5.sholat isya', main hp, tidut


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